It's within the realm of possibility. My congregation's pastor (just kidding, he's really the service overseer and former COTBOE, but everybody looks to him as the resident seer seeing as he's anointed and very outspoken, so he might as well be the pastor) often corners people in speculative doctrinal conversations that often take a turn for the bizarre, and yes, he has a plethora of his own pet theories and shall we call it "head cannon" that he will present as fact or close to it. He doesn't get in trouble, people just lap it up like he's the son of God with a new Gospel.
neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
"Armageddon is already here"; "the preaching work is done" -- rogue teachings in your congregation?
by FatFreek 2005 inone of my jw sons seems to be putting pressure on his non-jw brother apparently to scare him into accepting the troof and start coming to meetings.
wild statements like our topic title, which i know are not supported at jw dot org, have been made to my non-jw son several times over the past year or so.
while i haven't been privy to the actual phone conversations i tend to believe that the jw son is being pressured by the local elders to cut ties with the non-jw since their conversations seem to degrade into arguments -- therefore tending to weaken the jws faith in wt teachings.. either my jw son is lying about what i would call rogue teachings (and this would disappoint me greatly) or he is in some close knit clique in his congregation which has secretly chosen to go rogue on certain wt issues.. based on many of the recent posts here about drastic money and wt organization problems this could be a sign of pending splits of certain congregation members.. what do you think?
A woman without a voice
by SunnyOne026 inthis is my story in a nut-shell.
i hope some of you can relate.
if you can..i would love to hear from you.. i have been crushed and heartbroken more times than i can recount by a religion that claims to be based totally on love and mercy and most of that harm has come from the so called "shepherds" who or are supposed to lovingly take the stray lambs in their arms and lead them gently back to safety.
neat blue dog
Glad to hear you've kept the faith. Organized religion is often a snare and a racket, and you don't need it to be spiritual. 🙂
A woman without a voice
by SunnyOne026 inthis is my story in a nut-shell.
i hope some of you can relate.
if you can..i would love to hear from you.. i have been crushed and heartbroken more times than i can recount by a religion that claims to be based totally on love and mercy and most of that harm has come from the so called "shepherds" who or are supposed to lovingly take the stray lambs in their arms and lead them gently back to safety.
neat blue dog
I am so sorry for what you've gone through. No two situations are identical, but my mother went through various vaguely similar things with the Elders and her husband. This story in one form or another has, is and will be repeated many times the world over, and most don't tell for the reasons you cited. JWs perpetuate abusive relationships because the organization ITSELF is like an abuser, and its' adherents like those who are abused and in denial.
November 2017 monthly program affected by apostates??
by neat blue dog ini recently watched a video about a kingdom hall demonstration from a link on this site, and in the comments on youtube somebody said this: .
i understand that the "apostate" activity this week has caused the wt/gb to change the content of the november jwbroadcasting episode and will delay its release until they can figure out how to spin this activity.. .
has anybody heard of this or is there any truth to this?
neat blue dog
I recently watched a video about a Kingdom Hall demonstration from a link on this site, and in the comments on YouTube somebody said this:
I understand that the "Apostate" activity this week has caused the WT/GB to change the content of the November JWBroadcasting episode and will delay its release until they can figure out how to spin this activity.
Has anybody heard of this or is there any truth to this? The monthly program is due to be released tomorrow by the way. -
Organizational Accomplishments - Expanded Video Production Facilities at Patterson
by wifibandit in
neat blue dog
Just last assembly they told an experience of a child at school who said he wouldn't celebrate a birthday because he was 'a'
Organizational Accomplishments - Expanded Video Production Facilities at Patterson
by wifibandit in
neat blue dog
they are getting ready to replace the current GB with CGI
Then the hipsters would decry the lack of practical effects 🙄 😁
If you have Windows 10 . . .
by compound complex inmy roommate bought a new dell laptop, operated by windows 10. in the three weeks he's had it, it's online then goes offline (and this repeatedly): when he goes from one e-mail to another, when he engages in a financial transaction, when he opens a new webpage, etc.
he does the basic rebooting, as prescribed in the article whose link is attached.
his pc and my older dell and apple powerbook are all on wifi.
neat blue dog
Windows 10 (a certain version) has a known issue connecting to internet. I recently bought a Windows 10 laptop that wouldn't connect. However I followed the instructions on the following page which fixed it right away.
How Would You Console A Witness Who Has Lost A Loved One?
by minimus inlet’s say that you haven’t been around a kingdom hall in years and everyone knows you are not a “true believer “ anymore.
yet a tragedy strikes and you want to give a real heartfelt expression of your feelings— what would you say?
would you acknowledge the resurrection hope that the witnesses entertain or say something very different?.
neat blue dog
If you're a non-denominational Christian like myself, you could always agree with vague statements about the resurrection, but not not say anything about the paradise Earth.
Leah Remini (Scientology expose' series) "May turn attention to Jehovah's Witnesses next"
by TerryWalstrom in
remini said that she was warned of the jehovah’s witnesses that 'these f----rs are super powerful,' but is not one to cower in fear.. 'are you ready for my response?
'i don’t give a s--- about powerful.
neat blue dog
Please God let this happen 🙏
Learning To Believe Again
by The_Seeker ini was raised a jw and left the organization when i was 18 years old.
many thought i left because i wanted to live a life full of drugs, sex, and rock and roll, which was not true at all.
i left because i realized that these people had no idea what they were talking about and were simply parroting what the, " society " , told them to believe.
neat blue dog
That's me too: Spiritual but not religious. If there's one thing I agree on with Rutherford, it's that religion is a snare and a racket.